TNG Hide SSN Mod

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TNG Hide SSN Mod

Post by steven »

Displaying personal information on genealogy websites has many opinions when it comes to showing social security numbers. Users can get the numbers on commercial sites but most free sites no longer display this information. For example Family Search has shown them for years but not anymore.

Registered users viewing numbers is one thing but there were numerous bots, from many countries, that were continually scraping data. Setting the ignore data option to yes, in the admin section, hides the event but unfortunately hides it from family members and registered users. This mod hides Social Security Number events unless a user logs in. When the mod is installed, the default option allows all users, that log in, access to Social Security Number events. Setting the option to 1 requires users to have View Information for Private Individuals permission.

If you have a private site requiring everyone to login, you probably have no use for this mod. If you have a public/private site or you want to use permissions to access the SSN event, you might find the mod useful.

The mod was tested on TNG versions 12.1, 12.2, 12.3. 13.0 and 14.0.3.
TNG WIKI download link
(1.14 KiB) Downloaded 1077 times

Mod Revision: Fixed instructions on options page. No code changes.

(1.1 KiB) Downloaded 473 times

Mod Revision: Added option to require private rights to view
(1.09 KiB) Downloaded 45 times

Mod Revision: Hides the advanced search Social Security Number option if the user does not log in or have permission.
(1007 Bytes) Downloaded 19 times
Last edited by steven on Sat Aug 01, 2020 5:54 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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