OSM Error! No internet connection

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Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2017 3:08 pm

OSM Error! No internet connection

Post by steven »

Before making changes, consider using the latest mod revision. This modification was corrected. Download at https://www.tng.lythgoes.net/wiki/index ... nStreetMap.
In August Nominatim changed the URL search link. So in order to fix the link, edit the ol-geocoder.js file with a UTF-8 editor and change:




When the Open Street Map Mod is installed, the ol-geocoder.js file is copied to the TNG js folder. So to be safe it is best to replace both files, the one in the js folder and the other in the sub-folder openstreetmap_v13.1.0.8h which resides in the mod folder.

If you do not want to edit the file yourself, download the file below:

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