TNG New Account Registration Notice

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TNG New Account Registration Notice

Post by steven »

This Mod was updated and renamed Registration Options for TNG v15

Many users expect immediate access when registering on a website. If your TNG website uses a manual approval process, add this mod to let registrants know when they register. If auto-approval is enabled, the message is not shown.

Sometimes registrants may not pay attention to the notice so, in addition to choosing a color, the last update gives admins the option to change the text size and/or add blinking text.

Since I am not a linguist, I do not know if all translations are 100% correct. If you see any languages requiring corrections, please let me know.

Here are examples of the registration screens:

TNG versions 12 through v14.0.6
TNG WIKI download link
(3.05 KiB) Downloaded 729 times

Updates: Added options to change the text size and add blinking text to get users attention.

TNG versions, 12.1, 12.2, v12.3 and v13.1
(2.61 KiB) Downloaded 1102 times

* If the mod does not install make sure all languages are updated.
(7.17 KiB) Downloaded 382 times

(Added option to change the notice color)

Last edited by steven on Sat Sep 26, 2020 9:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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