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Child Marriage Indicator Mod

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 1:15 pm
by steven
When a user views a TNG getperson page, that individual's children are shown with a plus symbol if they have children. However, if they married nothing is shown. You must click on the child and load their page or the parent's descendant page to see if they married.

This mod adds a left arrow symbol to let users know the child married but did not have children. If the child has no children or never married, the column remains blank.


Clicking on the symbols loads that child's descendant page where the spouse or spouses are shown.


Hovering on the symbol causes a Married tool tip to appear.


This mod modifies getperson.php and was tested on TNG v12.3, v13.0 and v14.0.3.
TNG WIKI download link
Child Marriage Indicator v12.3.0.1
(718 Bytes) Downloaded 782 times