Registration Options

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Registration Options

Post by steven »

Registrations Options gives administrators more control over registration on their website. Some admins prefer longer user name while others prefer short names. The same is true for simple and complex passwords.

This mod has the following options that can be changed or enabled:
  1. Set the Minimum User Name from 4 to 50 characters.
  2. Set the password length from 8 to 64 characters.
  3. Use simple passwords or enable complex passwords requiring upper and lower case characters and symbols.
  4. Option to require a phone number.
  5. Option to require an address.
  6. If registrations are not automatically approved, a notice is placed near the top of the registration page.
  7. The size and color of the notification can be customized in mod options.
  8. The last option blinks the notification to get the new registrant's attention.
These options give administrators control over the security level they want to use. You can use short names and simple passwords or more make them complex and harder to guess.


When a user makes an incorrect entry an alert pops up with descriptive text.


If complex password is enabled, a more descriptive text displays characters and symbols that can be used.


When registrations are manually approved, a notice appears at the top of the page.

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