Hide TNG Chart Event Numbers and GMT Dates - Includes USA Events Download

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Hide TNG Chart Event Numbers and GMT Dates - Includes USA Events Download

Post by steven »

SimileTimeline version 2.3.1 adds extra dates with hours, minutes and seconds GMT to the timeline bubbles. The MOD below turns those dates off and adds an option to hide TNG event chart numbers.

Before making changes, consider upgrading. The GMT modification was added in TNG v12.2


When the MOD is installed, the simile timeline GMT dates are hidden. The mod does not affect TNG dates or events. If you have many events the numbers often overlap in the TNG timeline so the MOD has an option to hide TNG event numbers. TNG event numbers are shown in the red box below.


The screenshot below shows how pages appear with the MOD installed and the TNG event number option enabled. The option is off by default.


If you installed tng_simile timeline dates v12.0.0.2 on TNG v12.2 it is better to uninstall and delete the mod because it duplicates the Simile timeline date initialization string. While it does not cause an error, it causes duplicate code. You can hide the TNG timeline event numbers using remove_tng_timeline_numbers_v12.2.0.3.
For v12.0-v12.1
tng_simile timeline dates_v12.0.0.2.zip
(884 Bytes) Downloaded 1327 times

Use the link below to download remove TNG timeline event numbers. For v12, v13 and v14
(575 Bytes) Downloaded 1325 times

The download below contains USA timeline events stored in an events folder instead of the TNG img folder. It is easier to add and maintain timeline images when they are not lumped with TNG images. The new event file centers images and places text below the image as shown in the simile timeline bubbles above.
Using this file replaces ALL existing timeline events.
(1.31 MiB) Downloaded 1331 times
To install USA timeline events:
  1. Extract the event folder to the TNG folder.
  2. Extract tng_timelineevents.bak to the TNG backup folder.
  3. Go to the TNG Administration panel and select Utilities.
  4. From the pulldown select Restore
  5. Check the box for Timeline Events
  6. Select Go.


After installing USA timeline events, timeline images in the TNG img folder are not required and can be archived or deleted.

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