Hide newest user from guests

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Posts: 135
Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2017 3:08 pm

Hide newest user from guests

Post by steven »

This modification applies to prosilver but may work on other styles depending on how they are written. It hides the newest member from visitors that are not logged in. Once a user logs in, the newest user is displayed.

Making this change requires modifying the index_body.html file. The file is located in the following folder \styles\prosilver\template. Before you change any code make a copy of the file, in case you make a mistake.

Open the index_body.html file and locate the line containing the code below: (about line 71)

Code: Select all

Replace the code above with the code shown below:

Code: Select all

After you make the change, log into ACP (Admin Control Panel) and purge the cache so your changes take effect.
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